TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (2025)

Key Takeaways

  • Fast Workbench speeds up workbench animation time.
  • The Better Collision mod saves space, helps players make more money.
  • The Pack Counter mod tracks the number of packs opened.

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TCG Card Shop Simulator is growing in popularity. Despite being released a short while ago, there is already a plethora of great mods available for players to download, use, and enjoy. While some mods introduce new elements to the game, others bring in a few quality-of-life changes that help to make some of the game's more sluggish features smoother.

From mods that speed up the use of the workbench to one that allows players to place items closer together, there are a lot of great mods out there that help to improve general gameplay. Here are some of the best ones that are currently available.


6 Best Mods For TCG Card Shop Simulator

Players who want to make the TCG Card Shop Simulator experience even better may want to give the following mods a shot.

7 Fast Workbench

Speeds Up The Workbench Animation

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (2)

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The workbench is a great way to get rid of any low-value duplicate cards and turn them into cash. That said, using the workbench is a rather time-consuming task. This mod gives players more control over the animation speed, which increases how many boxes a player can craft in a day.

In addition, this mod also allows players to increase the max price of a card, up to the value of $1000.00. Normally, players would only be able to box up duplicate cards with a max value of $5.00 or less. Thanks to Fast Workbench, players can now sell off some of their more valuable duplicates.

6 Better Collision

A Space-Saving Mod That Can Help Make More Money

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (3)

Space management plays a big role in TCG Card Shop Simulator. Players will need to place things carefully in order to have enough space to display everything. The more items the player unlocks, the more space they'll need to have it all neatly laid out. This mod allows players to move and place items like shelving units with fewer restrictions. By placing items closer together, players will be able to squeeze in a few more shelving units, which will net them more money each day.

5 Pack Counter

Find Out How Many Packs You've Opened

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (4)

The average player will open up thousands of packs during their playthrough. Not only is opening up packs a great way to earn XP, but there are lots of collectible cards that are worth a lot of money.

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There are lots of players out there who want to pack every single card type in the game. Doing this will require the player to open up tens of thousands of packs. At the time of writing, there's no way to tell how many packs a player has opened. That's where this mod comes in. While it isn't a big change, knowing how many packs the player has opened is something that most players find useful.

4 Fast Pack Opening

Open Packs At A Faster Rate

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (5)

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As mentioned in the previous entry, opening up packs is something that most players will do daily. While opening up packs is fun, it is also rather time-consuming. Even if the player adjusts the pack opening speed in the settings, the animations are still rather slow. This mod gives players full control over everything, from the speed at which packs are opened to how many packs the player can hold in their hand. This mod is a must-have mod for those who are trying to complete card sets.

3 Better POS

Serve Customers Faster

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (6)
  • Mod Author: goodluckNito
  • Link To Mod: Better POS

During the early stages of the game, players will find themselves struggling to keep up with the constant flow of customers. Some will pay by card, others by cash. But no matter how the customer chooses the pay, the player will need to run everything through the register.

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TCG Card Shop Simulator: All Employees, Ranked

Hiring the right employees is an important aspect of TCG Card Shop Simulator. Here's how they stack up.


Better POS takes away the need for players to enter the decimal point when entering monetary values. Also, if the player chooses, they can use this mod to auto-fill card payments. This can help to speed things along. The faster the player is able to serve a customer, the faster a new customer can spawn.

2 Smarter Queuing Customers

Drastically Increases Customer Serving Speed

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (8)

Customers aren't always smart in TCG Card Shop Simulator. Once the player gets to the point where they can afford to have two registers, customers still tend to bunch up at one register instead of splitting into two lines.

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This mod, although simple, makes serving customers much more efficient. Instead of all customers sticking to one line, they will branch off depending on how many open registers the player is using. The faster the customer is served, the more money the player makes. This mod helps the player to optimize their store.

Read Tags From Farther Away

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (9)

Price tags and storage shelf labels only come in one size. This size is fairly small, which can make the details tricky to read, especially for those with vision issues. Even players who have great vision may struggle to read price tags from across the store. This can make things like filling shelves and ordering stock take longer as players will have to walk past each shelf to see what they need.

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This mod gives players control over the label sizes, making them much easier to see and read. This small change improves gameplay for visually impaired players, as they will be able to easily see exactly what goes where.

TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (10)

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TCG Card Shop Simulator: 7 Best Mods That Improve The Game’s Quality Of Life (2025)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.